Where should I start?

This is a very common question. It comes down to a couple options in the long run.

Who should I reach?

This is the biggest question I ask in return. A business might ask “Who is my target market?” It should be common sense. For instance, if you play in a group that consists of an acoustic guitar and cello, you may not want to go to the local Night Club for a gig. A better option for this type of group would probably be a coffee shop, or a venue putting on an “Acoustic Night.” Likewise, if you’re a DJ with an EDM or Rap leaning, you may want to skip the urge to go to your local coffee shop with a small stage and hit up that local night club.

Who should I talk to?

Depending on your type of music, there may be an established criteria of how to get involved. For instance, if you’re looking to play in a classical ensemble, you may want to contact your local Musician’s Union. If you’re 70’s disco/funk band looking to put do Weddings, look at your local Classifieds ads online, and network with some local Wedding Planners. It’s always best to have a demo of sorts so people can reference your music. Please see the post about Demos for some tips on getting the most out of your demo